We're off to Scotland for the half-term break tomorrow. Away for the whole week - I can't wait.
I am slightly less enthusiastic about the 9 hour drive with a small tyrant in the car. This afternoon on the 10 minute drive to pick up the kids from school, Hattie wailed and cried and shouted at me because she wanted me to close MY window which was open approximately 2 inches! Reasonable? I think not. On the way home she yelled all the way because she dropped her small plastic red teaspoon which she likes to carry around with her for absolutely no apparent reason that I can see.
I've just remembered that 2 year-olds are not that big on reasonable - how could that have slipped my mind?
Actually do you find 5 and 6 year-olds all that reasonable?
At what age exactly do kids become reasonable? Let me know.
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago