Kate's Blog

Follow me if you will as I try to navigate through the ups and downs of my world.

I'm writing this blog to help me make sense of all that has happened - from my diagnosis with non-Hodgkins lymphoma while pregnant with my third child in May 2008
, through to my reflections on chaotic family life as I try to pick up the pieces of my life again.

The kids are so small, and I'm working hard to keep us all safe and to stay in remission.

Stay with me - it won't be all doom and gloom I promise!

Sunday, 6 December 2009

My First Blog Award - Hooray!!

Thanks Jen at Starting Over for my lovely award. It's all been tricky for me as I can't figure out how to put the award icon thingy on the post or create links!! Hmmm. I'm so rubbish at technical stuff. But I will pass on the award to 5 people and hope that they don't mind/are pleased or whatever!! Even though they are all way more popular and way more 'followed' than me.... and even though I enjoy reading all the blogs I follow for loads of different reasons.

a cat of impossible colour - lovely writing about lovely writing...

AbodeOneThree - More fabulous writing about all sorts of things.

A Beautiful Truth - check it out for yourself.

Blackberries to Apples - I've just found this blog through Blogs of Note so she probably doesn't need anymore accolades but I just can't help it.

Tale Peddler - Lots of lovely things to read, look at and think about.

But, as I say - I have a long list of blogs I follow, so if you're at a loose end, check the others out too!


Menopausal New Mom said...

Hi Kate, congratulations! If you want to copy your award, right click on it and you can save it in your computer and then download it on your blog by adding a gadget on your layout page, choose add a picture.

If you want to create links in your post, just click on Link which is on the top bar where you type out your posts.

Hope this has been helpful, don't feel bad, I had no idea how to do this either and had to ask.

Anita said...

Congratulations Kate!

Jen said...

It took me a little while to figure it out, too. It's been interesting to see who others are passing it on to. I'm glad you were happy to receive it. Your blog is very good and you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you very much for passing this my way. It's very much appreciated - as is the time you spend over at my page. :)

Mummy mania said...

Oh you're not alone - I still can't figuire out how to upload my photo onto Mummybloggers! and congrats!

Andrea Eames said...

Thank you, Kate, that's very kind of you!