Kate's Blog

Follow me if you will as I try to navigate through the ups and downs of my world.

I'm writing this blog to help me make sense of all that has happened - from my diagnosis with non-Hodgkins lymphoma while pregnant with my third child in May 2008
, through to my reflections on chaotic family life as I try to pick up the pieces of my life again.

The kids are so small, and I'm working hard to keep us all safe and to stay in remission.

Stay with me - it won't be all doom and gloom I promise!

Thursday, 26 November 2009


Thanks for your lovely comments. I'm trying to ignore all scary things today and do things which comfort me - even if they're fattening or lazy or brain-dead (watching Jeremy Kyle with OK Magazine next to me is something I'm hesitating to admit that might be happening!!).

I'm going to my writing course later even though I don't feel great. I think that the writing I'm doing for it, which I'm hoping to turn into something more substantial is shaking me up quite a bit as memories and people come to the surface in new ways. I know I've already mentioned the Blake Morrison book (which we're reading on the course along-side our writing), but again I have to say how much it has moved me and made me think about my own father's death 10 years ago as well as my own unfolding struggle.

So far the course has been far more inspirational, challenging and illuminating than I had imagined. I think I'll be using material from the classes long after they're over.


Mummy mania said...

You probably will. I did a course three years ago that literally changed my life and as a result I write every day. Enjoy tonight.

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a little stronger today. Yes, writig can shake us up and release our demons and angels and that is why it is so powerful. Take Care and enjoy your weekend. xx

Margaret said...

It's not always easy to handle memoir writing. In fact, I stay away from it. It's too hard to take. I admire your courage.